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- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- #
- # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- #
- # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- # License.
- #
- # The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
- #
- # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- # Netscape Communications Corporation.
- # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999
- # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Contributor(s):
- # IBM Corporation
- #
- # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- # either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- # the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- # in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- # of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- # under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- # use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- # decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- # and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- # the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- # the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- #
- # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- #
- # This Original Code has been modified by IBM Corporation.
- # Modifications made by IBM described herein are
- # Copyright (c) International Business Machines
- # Corporation, 1999
- #
- # Modifications to Mozilla code or documentation
- # identified per MPL Section 3.3
- #
- # Date Modified by Description of modification
- # 12/09/1999 IBM Corp. Support for IBM codepages - 850,852,855,857,862,864
- #
- # Rule of this file:
- # 1. key should always be in lower case ascii so we can do case insensitive
- # comparison in the code faster.
- # 2. value should be the one used in unicode converter
- #
- # 3. If the charset is not used for document charset, but font charset
- # (e.g. XLFD charset- such as JIS x0201, JIS x0208), don't put here
- #
- ascii=us-ascii
- us-ascii=us-ascii
- ansi_x3.4-1968=us-ascii
- 646=us-ascii
- iso-8859-1=ISO-8859-1
- iso-8859-2=ISO-8859-2
- iso-8859-3=ISO-8859-3
- iso-8859-4=ISO-8859-4
- iso-8859-5=ISO-8859-5
- iso-8859-6=ISO-8859-6
- iso-8859-6-i=ISO-8859-6-I
- iso-8859-6-e=ISO-8859-6-E
- iso-8859-7=ISO-8859-7
- iso-8859-8=ISO-8859-8
- iso-8859-8-i=ISO-8859-8-I
- iso-8859-8-e=ISO-8859-8-E
- iso-8859-9=ISO-8859-9
- iso-8859-10=ISO-8859-10
- iso-8859-11=ISO-8859-11
- iso-8859-13=ISO-8859-13
- iso-8859-14=ISO-8859-14
- iso-8859-15=ISO-8859-15
- iso-8859-16=ISO-8859-16
- iso-ir-111=ISO-IR-111
- iso-2022-cn=ISO-2022-CN
- iso-2022-cn-ext=ISO-2022-CN
- iso-2022-kr=ISO-2022-KR
- iso-2022-jp=ISO-2022-JP
- utf-32be=UTF-32BE
- utf-32le=UTF-32LE
- utf-16be=UTF-16BE
- utf-16le=UTF-16LE
- utf-16=UTF-16
- windows-1250=windows-1250
- windows-1251=windows-1251
- windows-1252=windows-1252
- windows-1253=windows-1253
- windows-1254=windows-1254
- windows-1255=windows-1255
- windows-1256=windows-1256
- windows-1257=windows-1257
- windows-1258=windows-1258
- ibm866=IBM866
- ibm850=IBM850
- ibm852=IBM852
- ibm855=IBM855
- ibm857=IBM857
- ibm862=IBM862
- ibm864=IBM864
- ibm864i=IBM864i
- utf-8=UTF-8
- utf-7=UTF-7
- shift_jis=Shift_JIS
- big5=Big5
- euc-jp=EUC-JP
- euc-kr=EUC-KR
- gb2312=GB2312
- gb18030=gb18030
- viscii=VISCII
- koi8-r=KOI8-R
- koi8-u=KOI8-U
- tis-620=TIS-620
- t.61-8bit=T.61-8bit
- hz-gb-2312=HZ-GB-2312
- big5-hkscs=Big5-HKSCS
- gbk=x-gbk
- cns11643=x-euc-tw
- #
- # Netscape private ...
- #
- x-imap4-modified-utf7=x-imap4-modified-utf7
- x-euc-tw=x-euc-tw
- x-mac-roman=x-mac-roman
- x-mac-ce=x-mac-ce
- x-mac-turkish=x-mac-turkish
- x-mac-greek=x-mac-greek
- x-mac-icelandic=x-mac-icelandic
- x-mac-croatian=x-mac-croatian
- x-mac-romanian=x-mac-romanian
- x-mac-cyrillic=x-mac-cyrillic
- x-mac-ukrainian=x-mac-ukrainian
- x-mac-hebrew=x-mac-hebrew
- x-mac-arabic=x-mac-arabic
- x-mac-farsi=x-mac-farsi
- x-mac-devanagari=x-mac-devanagari
- x-mac-gujarati=x-mac-gujarati
- x-mac-gurmukhi=x-mac-gurmukhi
- geostd8=GEOSTD8
- armscii-8=armscii-8
- x-viet-tcvn5712=x-viet-tcvn5712
- x-viet-vps=x-viet-vps
- x-viet-vni=x-viet-vni
- iso-10646-ucs-2=UTF-16BE
- x-iso-10646-ucs-2-be=UTF-16BE
- x-iso-10646-ucs-2-le=UTF-16LE
- iso-10646-ucs-4=UTF-32BE
- x-iso-10646-ucs-4-be=UTF-32BE
- x-iso-10646-ucs-4-le=UTF-32LE
- x-user-defined=x-user-defined
- x-johab=x-johab
- x-windows-949=x-windows-949
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-1
- #
- latin1=ISO-8859-1
- iso_8859-1=ISO-8859-1
- iso8859-1=ISO-8859-1
- iso8859-2=ISO-8859-2
- iso8859-3=ISO-8859-3
- iso8859-4=ISO-8859-4
- iso8859-5=ISO-8859-5
- iso8859-6=ISO-8859-6
- iso8859-7=ISO-8859-7
- iso8859-8=ISO-8859-8
- iso8859-9=ISO-8859-9
- iso8859-10=ISO-8859-10
- iso8859-11=ISO-8859-11
- iso8859-13=ISO-8859-13
- iso8859-14=ISO-8859-14
- iso8859-15=ISO-8859-15
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- # iso_8859-1:1987=ISO-8859-1
- iso-ir-100=ISO-8859-1
- l1=ISO-8859-1
- ibm819=ISO-8859-1
- cp819=ISO-8859-1
- csisolatin1=ISO-8859-1
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-2
- #
- latin2=ISO-8859-2
- iso_8859-2=ISO-8859-2
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- # iso_8859-2:1987=ISO-8859-2
- iso-ir-101=ISO-8859-2
- l2=ISO-8859-2
- csisolatin2=ISO-8859-2
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-3
- #
- latin3=ISO-8859-3
- iso_8859-3=ISO-8859-3
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-3:1988=ISO-8859-3
- iso-ir-109=ISO-8859-3
- l3=ISO-8859-3
- csisolatin3=ISO-8859-3
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-4
- #
- latin4=ISO-8859-4
- iso_8859-4=ISO-8859-4
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-4:1988=ISO-8859-4
- iso-ir-110=ISO-8859-4
- l4=ISO-8859-4
- csisolatin4=ISO-8859-4
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-5
- #
- cyrillic=ISO-8859-5
- iso_8859-5=ISO-8859-5
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-5:1988=ISO-8859-5
- iso-ir-144=ISO-8859-5
- csisolatincyrillic=ISO-8859-5
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-6
- #
- arabic=ISO-8859-6
- iso_8859-6=ISO-8859-6
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-6:1987=ISO-8859-6
- iso-ir-127=ISO-8859-6
- ecma-114=ISO-8859-6
- asmo-708=ISO-8859-6
- csisolatinarabic=ISO-8859-6
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-6-I
- #
- csiso88596i=ISO-8859-6-I
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-6-E
- #
- csiso88596e=ISO-8859-6-E
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-7
- #
- greek=ISO-8859-7
- greek8=ISO-8859-7
- sun_eu_greek=ISO-8859-7
- iso_8859-7=ISO-8859-7
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-7:1987=ISO-8859-7
- iso-ir-126=ISO-8859-7
- elot_928=ISO-8859-7
- ecma-118=ISO-8859-7
- csisolatingreek=ISO-8859-7
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-8
- #
- hebrew=ISO-8859-8
- iso_8859-8=ISO-8859-8
- visual=ISO-8859-8
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-8:1988=ISO-8859-8
- iso-ir-138=ISO-8859-8
- csisolatinhebrew=ISO-8859-8
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-8-I
- #
- csiso88598i=ISO-8859-8-I
- iso-8859-8i=ISO-8859-8-I
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-8-E
- #
- csiso88598e=ISO-8859-8-E
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-9
- #
- latin5=ISO-8859-9
- iso_8859-9=ISO-8859-9
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-9:1989=ISO-8859-9
- iso-ir-148=ISO-8859-9
- l5=ISO-8859-9
- csisolatin5=ISO-8859-9
- #
- # Aliases for UTF-8
- #
- unicode-1-1-utf-8=UTF-8
- # nl_langinfo(CODESET) in HP/UX returns 'utf8' under UTF-8 locales
- utf8=UTF-8
- #
- # Aliases for Shift_JIS
- #
- x-sjis=Shift_JIS
- shift-jis=Shift_JIS
- ms_kanji=Shift_JIS
- csshiftjis=Shift_JIS
- windows-31j=Shift_JIS
- #
- # Aliases for EUC_JP
- #
- cseucjpkdfmtjapanese=EUC-JP
- x-euc-jp=EUC-JP
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-2022-JP
- #
- csiso2022jp=ISO-2022-JP
- # The following are really not aliases ISO-2022-JP, but sharing the same decoder
- iso-2022-jp-2=ISO-2022-JP
- csiso2022jp2=ISO-2022-JP
- #
- # Aliases for Big5
- #
- csbig5=Big5
- # x-x-big5 is not really a alias for Big5, add it only for MS FrontPage
- x-x-big5=Big5
- # Sun Solaris
- zh_tw-big5=Big5
- #
- # Aliases for EUC-KR
- #
- csueckr=EUC-KR
- # The following are really not aliases EUC-KR, add them only for MS FrontPage
- #ks_c_5601-1987=EUC-KR
- iso-ir-149=EUC-KR
- ks_c_5601-1989=EUC-KR
- ksc_5601=EUC-KR
- ksc5601=EUC-KR
- korean=EUC-KR
- csksc56011987=EUC-KR
- 5601=EUC-KR
- #
- # Aliases for X-Windows-949, CP949, Unified Hangul Code (UHC)
- #
- # Microsoft uses ks_c_5601-1987 to mean Windows-949 or its subset EUC-KR.
- ks_c_5601-1987=x-windows-949
- #
- # Aliases for GB2312
- #
- # The following are really not aliases GB2312, add them only for MS FrontPage
- gb_2312-80=GB2312
- iso-ir-58=GB2312
- chinese=GB2312
- csiso58gb231280=GB2312
- csgb2312=GB2312
- zh_cn.euc=GB2312
- # Sun Solaris
- gb_2312=GB2312
- #
- # Aliases for windows-125x
- #
- x-cp1250=windows-1250
- x-cp1251=windows-1251
- x-cp1252=windows-1252
- x-cp1253=windows-1253
- x-cp1254=windows-1254
- x-cp1255=windows-1255
- x-cp1256=windows-1256
- x-cp1257=windows-1257
- x-cp1258=windows-1258
- #
- # Aliases for windows-874
- #
- windows-874=windows-874
- ibm874=windows-874
- #
- # Aliases for x-mac-roman
- # XXX: should make macintosh the canonical name later
- #
- macintosh=x-mac-roman
- mac=x-mac-roman
- csMacintosh=x-mac-roman
- #
- # Aliases for IBM866
- #
- cp866=IBM866
- cp-866=IBM866
- 866=IBM866
- csIBM866=IBM866
- #
- # Aliases for IBM850
- #
- cp850=IBM850
- 850=IBM850
- csIBM850=IBM850
- #
- # Aliases for IBM852
- #
- cp852=IBM852
- 852=IBM852
- csIBM852=IBM852
- #
- # Aliases for IBM855
- #
- cp855=IBM855
- 855=IBM855
- csIBM855=IBM855
- #
- # Aliases for IBM857
- #
- cp857=IBM857
- 857=IBM857
- csIBM857=IBM857
- #
- # Aliases for IBM862
- #
- cp862=IBM862
- 862=IBM862
- csIBM862=IBM862
- #
- # Aliases for IBM864
- #
- cp864=IBM864
- 864=IBM864
- csIBM864=IBM864
- ibm-864=IBM864
- #
- # Aliases for IBM864i
- #
- cp864i=IBM864i
- 864i=IBM864i
- csibm864i=IBM864i
- ibm-864i=IBM864i
- #
- # Aliases for T.61-8bit
- #
- t.61=T.61-8bit
- iso-ir-103=T.61-8bit
- csiso103t618bit=T.61-8bit
- #
- # Aliases for UTF-7
- #
- x-unicode-2-0-utf-7=UTF-7
- unicode-2-0-utf-7=UTF-7
- unicode-1-1-utf-7=UTF-7
- csunicode11utf7=UTF-7
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-10646-UCS-2
- #
- csunicode=UTF-16BE
- csunicode11=UTF-16BE
- iso-10646-ucs-basic=UTF-16BE
- csunicodeascii=UTF-16BE
- iso-10646-unicode-latin1=UTF-16BE
- csunicodelatin1=UTF-16BE
- iso-10646=UTF-16BE
- iso-10646-j-1=UTF-16BE
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-10
- #
- latin6=ISO-8859-10
- iso-ir-157=ISO-8859-10
- l6=ISO-8859-10
- # Currently .properties cannot handle : in key
- #iso_8859-10:1992=ISO-8859-10
- csisolatin6=ISO-8859-10
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-8859-15
- #
- iso_8859-15=ISO-8859-15
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-IR-111
- #
- ecma-cyrillic=ISO-IR-111
- csiso111ecmacyrillic=ISO-IR-111
- #
- # Aliases for ISO-2022-KR
- #
- csiso2022kr=ISO-2022-KR
- #
- # Aliases for VISCII
- #
- csviscii=VISCII
- #
- # Aliases for VIQR
- #
- csviqr=VIQR
- #
- # Aliases for x-euc-tw
- #
- zh_tw-euc=x-euc-tw
- #
- # Following names appears in unix nl_langinfo(CODESET)
- # They can be compiled as platform specific if necessary
- # DONT put things here if it does not look generic enough (like hp15CN)
- #
- iso88591=ISO-8859-1
- iso88592=ISO-8859-2
- iso88593=ISO-8859-3
- iso88594=ISO-8859-4
- iso88595=ISO-8859-5
- iso88596=ISO-8859-6
- iso88597=ISO-8859-7
- iso88598=ISO-8859-8
- iso88599=ISO-8859-9
- iso885910=ISO-8859-10
- iso885911=ISO-8859-11
- iso885912=ISO-8859-12
- iso885913=ISO-8859-13
- iso885914=ISO-8859-14
- iso885915=ISO-8859-15
- #
- tis620=TIS-620
- #
- cp1250=windows-1250
- cp1251=windows-1251
- cp1252=windows-1252
- cp1253=windows-1253
- cp1254=windows-1254
- cp1255=windows-1255
- cp1256=windows-1256
- cp1257=windows-1257
- cp1258=windows-1258
- # Tempory charset for testing purpose. Should be remove before Beta
- x-obsoleted-shift_jis=x-obsoleted-Shift_JIS
- x-obsoleted-iso-2022-jp=x-obsoleted-ISO-2022-JP
- x-obsoleted-euc-jp=x-obsoleted-EUC-JP
- x-gbk=x-gbk
- windows-936=windows-936
- ansi-1251=windows-1251